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Writer's pictureMichael Parker

Leading up to Christmas


Those of you who follow my monthly blogs will know I missed last month (November). But here I am almost at the end of December and thinking back over what I’d done and what I’d achieved. This includes my domestic chores, keeping body and soul together and walking Tuppence. And, of course, there’s my world of books. But looking back to the beginning of November, I see in my diary that I went to the Travel Agent to book a flight to Atlanta in July next year to see our fifth great grandson, Elliott; and that is probably the most significant and important thing I did. I detailed in my October blog the surprise family visit I had in when I met Elliott for the first time. He was about 3 months old. I was smitten! Anyway, I plan to be with him and his Mum and Dad when they celebrate his first birthday. I’m flying Business Class having told the grandchildren the money is coming out of their inheritance.


I completed my Historical novel, Shadow Over Paris (, and published it on the 13th. But I decided to try traditional publishers as well. I knew what the outcome would be because I am an author with his career behind him; whereas publishers would prefer those who have their careers ahead of them. But I submitted my manuscript to about twenty agents/publishers after gleaning the appropriate names from the Writers and Artists Year Book 2025. Needless to say I have been rejected by them. I’m not surprised. One cheeky thing I did was to contact the Shakespeare Company Bookshop in Paris. I explained the book was set in Occupied Paris in 1940, and would they like a copy? The bookshop is well known among the Parisiennes having been a favourite place of Ernest Hemmingway and his colleagues. They sell English language books by the way. Anyway, I haven’t heard from them either. C’est la vie!.


Another significant and major event in November was the marriage of our granddaughter, Gemma, to her partner, Max. It was held in the registry office at Brighton Town Hall with a pub reception nearby. There were a lot of kids wearing Fairy Wings, including Gemma, but not while she was getting married. Naturally I enjoyed it, but not the way I used to enjoy weddings when I was a lot younger. I spent much of the time just looking on and smiling at the antics of the kids. Lovely time though.


During the research for my book, I read a great deal about Paris under the Nazis and, of course, the bravery of those SOE agents who risked their lives during that time. I asked our grandson Adam’s partner, Agata Stasiak, if I could use her name. She is Polish and now features in the book. She was delighted. I’m glad I was able to do that because it kind of honours the part played by the Polish women who worked for the SOE and those who gave their lives. But one agent who fascinated me was Phyllis ‘Pippa’ Latour. She only revealed her part as an agent until shortly before her death in New Zealand last year. She was 102 years old. I bought her book, The Last Secret Agent, and took it with me on a short break to Eastbourne. Pippa Latour was, in my opinion, an absolutely fascinating and outstanding woman. Her book is compelling reading and an absolute revelation. I loved it.


The trip to Eastbourne was an organised “Turkey and Tinsel” break, and mimicked the three main days of Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve. I would like to say I enjoyed it, but being on my own made things difficult; walking round the shops meant there was always an empty space beside me. I knew several of the group and was able to chat to them from time to time. My companions at the meal table were new to me, but I got on well with them. The weather wasn’t too brilliant either.


Getting back to normality meant Christmas decorations. And as much as I tell myself I can’t be bothered because I don’t have my lovely Pat anymore, I put them up because she would want me to, and I don’t want to become that sad, lonely old man who doesn’t like Christmas, which I do of course. Mind you, I don’t go scaling ladders and trees to get my garden decorated; I rely on one of those projectors to throw a moving, Christmassy scene on my house wall. But I have a tree with flashing lights etc. and a decorated mantlepiece with lights. Oh, and Santa coming down the chimney!


I watched the performance of Dua Lipa at the Royal Albert Hall. I thoroughly enjoyed it, but one of the reasons I wanted to see her was because of a documentary I watched over a year ago. She came across as a well-balanced, ordinary girl who has been blessed with good looks and talent, and I’ve been a closet fan of hers ever since. It will fade in time though, I guess.


I had planned to bring my friend, Pauline down here for a couple of weeks over Christmas. We’d arranged everything, including the fact that Pauline would have to take over the kitchen for me because I’m a lousy cook and exist on mainly frozen ready meals. We had visits out planned and I would have had her here in time for my Church House Group Christmas party. But unfortunately, Pauline had a problem, which meant an appointment at the hospital. She’d been under the consultant for a while and was coping with it. Then this happened and we had to cancel.  It left me in a kind of limbo, but often life gets in the way, and we have to deal with it. I tell people that if you want to put a smile on God’s face; tell Him what your plans are.


But back now to the books. I picked up The Nazi Officer’s Wife by Edith Hahn. The reason for that was to try and learn how other writers tell the story, whether fact or fiction, about life under the Nazis. Edith Hahn was a Jew, by the way, so you can imagine her problem. She was asked to sit as a judge at the Nuremberg War Trials (she was qualified) but refused because she said she would never be able to make a judgement without prejudice.


My book sales are on the up as well. I’m not making huge waves, but in the world of Michael Parker books, it has put a smile on my face. I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas and I wish you all a happy New Year.


                                                                                                       Michael Parker


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Writer's pictureMichael Parker


Life is full of surprises


October started with me looking ahead to the most significant date for the month, which was our boy John’s 60th birthday on October 8th, but I could never have imagined just what kind of month October would turn out to be.


I’d planned to crack on with my current work, Shadow Over Paris, not expecting to have it ready before December, but I found that my progress was beyond surprising, even to the point of leaving the TV off so I could crack on.


The next surprise was a trip to the Jubilee Library in Brighton. My granddaughter, Gemma, had asked if I would like to see 6 months old Liri at the toddlers music group. I turned up and couldn’t believe how big and active the library was. Then I found the Children’s library where hundreds of babies were crawling about all over the floor like a plague of ants. I found Gemma and Liri with Liri’s big brother, Orin (he’s seven), and immediately found myself in raptures over our great grandson. I was on the floor with him wondering if I would be able to get up. But it was such a joy to be there.


I had another interesting and surprise encounter with my author friend, Paul Asling. Paul came to me about six years ago because he had written a book and wanted my advice. Naturally I gave him a few suggestions and watched him blossom as a writer with his books about London in the fifties and sixties. Paul now sells more books than I do, more so in America where London history seems popular. So, well done, Paul!


I also started doing a TikTok course, which I did about eighteen months ago, and opened a new account for my pen name, Emma Carney. I probably won’t get very far with that until much closer to Christmas.


I completed the read through for Shadow Over Paris, and ordered proof a copy, which I went through with a red pen and highlighted about 100 changes that were needed. This meant another proof copy, which I finished checking just a couple of days ago. I am now waiting for the new jacket from the


But now for the biggest, and most emotional surprise of them all. I had a lunch date arranged with our son, Terry, for Monday last week. It had been planned for a few weeks. My grandson, Adam and his partner, Agata, were coming too. But on the morning, my grandson, Charlie turned up from Scotland with his girlfriend, and no Adam and Agata. Fifteen minutes later and our boy, John appears. He’d been on a Mediterranean cruise, and I didn’t expect to see him until Friday. Anyway, we all trooped off to the pub where I was told Adam and Agata were waiting, but when I got there, our granddaughter, Gemma was there with her partner, Max and their two boys, Orin and Liri. Then I saw our eldest son, Vincent. By now this was getting overwhelming, and the tears were flowing rapidly. Then I turned round and saw our grandson, Sam and his wife, Taryn from America. And with them was Sam’s brother, Jamie, who lives in Canada. Just when I think there can be no more surprises and tears, in walks our youngest son, Stephen with his wife, Lisa from Australia. And Stephen is carrying little three months old, Elliott — Sam and Taryn’s baby. By now I was emotionally wrecked. Sixteen grown-ups and two babies had travelled from England, Scotland, Canada, Australia and America just to surprise Grandad. There were no birthdays, no anniversaries, just a desire to surprise me and show how much they love me and think of me. We did all raise a toast to Pat of course. How I wish she could have been there. I managed to spend more time with them that evening and the following day until I handed Jamie over to Terry in Horsham on Wednesday and came home. I was drained physically and emotionally, which took me about forty eight hours to get back to normal. But the memories will never go away, and we’ll talk about that for a very long time.


So, here I am writing my monthly blog and wondering if there’s a limit to how many surprises we’re allotted. I may have used all mine up, but I hope not. I have a couple of dates to look forward to in November, which I will talk about in my next blog post. But for now, it’s back to my domestic duties, walking the dog, keeping body and soul together and wondering what on earth I’m going to do with my free time now that I am not writing. But whatever comes along, wish me luck!

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Writer's pictureMichael Parker

 Michael Parker’s September blog


The month of September has contained much of the usual stuff for me like gardening, walking the dog, keeping my body and soul together and watching films on TV. Oh, mustn’t forget the football either. But one change to my routines that had an impact was a ‘March For Britain’ demonstration down at the Guildhall in Portsmouth. It was on a Saturday, and I went with my neighbour, Rick. I went because I feel strongly about the collapse of Law and Oder in our Country, the complete intransigence and mendacity of our governments (yes, plural), and simply because I felt there was nothing I could do other than to stand alongside others who felt as I do. Yes, I had my flag of St. George with me. I could spend a lot of time talking about what I saw etc., but it would make this blog very long. I’m happy I went, but my four sons are happy that I’ve decided not to do anymore. And for anyone reading this blog who believe people like me are nothing but right wing fascist bastards, the same crowd are meeting in London on October 5th at Downing Street to do a ‘March For Jesus’ to Trafalgar Square. Now that’s something I would like to have gone to, but at my age the whole day could probably prove too much for me.


In my world of books, I’ve had ups and downs as usual. I decided to advertise my Emma Carney Romance on Facebook. I put the offer price at £0.99. After three weeks (ish), I pulled the ad simply because it wasn’t selling. But the truth of it was that the ad had 14,000 impressions, 275 clicks and nothing else. At £0.99 pence I thought I was bound to sell at least a few copies. Seems I’ve no idea how to promote my books successfully. I also spent a lot of time editing the book again (nothing to do with the flop) by going through it with a red pen. It makes you weep when you come across errors that you wouldn’t expect in a Junior school essay.


Work on my current book, Shadow Over Paris, is progressing at a fairly good rate. I’m using the time saved by not going out in the garden (because of the weather) and putting it to good use on the book. I’ve cracked 65,000 words (total) and expect to reach maybe 100,000 words by the end of the year. Oh, and if any of you think that’s good progress, I was watching an Indie Writers Podcast (I’m a member of this group) earlier this week. There were two writers: James Blatch, who I’ve met, and Cara Clare, who I have never met. Cara writes about 17000 words a day! And has published 45 novels in the last two years. That’s going some, eh?


One thing I may try to do is see how interested a traditional publisher might be in Shadow Over Paris. It probably wouldn’t happen, but as a starter I went along to my local library and ordered a copy of the Writers and Artists Year Book. It’s a handy book to have access to. My plan is to contact about five agents and five publishers offering them an opportunity to see the final manuscript. This might sound a bit presumptuous of me, but nothing ventured, nothing gained. I will almost certainly be turned down, but having a creditable CV, someone might be interested. I’ve had two trad publishers in the past, so I’m not new to it. Oh, and I still have a trad publisher in America (only one book though). 

Something else that surprised me was a short venture into TikTok. I logged on to #booktok to see what was needed to load a promotional video up, when I came across at least thirty posts of my book, A Song in The Night, and about twenty of one of my Emma Carney Romances, The Girl With No Name. They’d been put there by a Promotion Company called BooksBuzzer — a Company I’d used to promote those two books. Obviously BooksBuzzer had done what I’d asked them too, but the result was exactly the same as my FB ad — nothing! 

But I will soldier on. The Indie Writers Group (who used to be a part of the Self-Publishing Formula) are updating their Amazon Ads Course in a week’s time. It has been prepared by a member of Reedsy (well-known in the industry), and for me it’s free because I’m a paid-up member of the group. I plan to continue advertising my books, so hopefully I will make some progress with this new course. Does that make me a glutton for punishment? What else would I do with all my non-gardening spare time, apart from trying to learn some chord progressions on my Clavinova and making a spectacular hash of that as well. Ah well — C’est la vie in my case.

 I’m off to see my granddaughter, Gemma, next week. I want to catch up with her two boys, Orin and Liri. Orin is seven and Liri is six months. The last time I saw them, I fell over and bruised my hip badly; ended up in A&E. Must be dangerous visiting your great-grandchildren, eh? 

I had a chat with my Aussie boy, Stephen (son No. four) and got brought up to date with our fifth great-grandson, Elliot. Little Elliot had a heart scare, but the local hospital sorted it out, so he’s okay now. Elliot’s mum and dad live in America. I plan to go over there next year for Elliot’s first birthday.


Last night I was at a Quiz-ine night at my church. It was an international dining experience coupled with a quiz session. My hearing lets me down on these occasions, so I was unable to help my quiz table, but I managed to enjoy a chicken curry and rice.


What’s next on the agenda? Much the same as before. Life goes on and I make progress in some ways and have setbacks in others. But in that respect, I’m no different to most of us. I hope those of you who are reading this and managed to get this far will have a happy and fruitful October. No floods, no roadworks, no tax rises… there I go, dreaming again!


Oh yes, one other thing; I will be getting new neighbours. They should be moving in around mid-October. I do hope we will get on okay. Wish me luck!

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