6 December 2015
Three weeks to go and Christmas Day will be a memory. For the majority of us a happy one, but for many around the world it will be the opposite. Hopefully those of us who can will bring some light into the dark world of the less fortunate. We are halfway through putting up the lights in our house. It’s amazing what baubles you find when dragging the decorations out of the loft or wherever else they are stowed for the year. But how do you choose a suitable present for the person who has everything (so they say!)? A gift voucher seems like a good idea: a little impersonal, but practical. Or a book. Now that’s an excellent idea. And you can buy Amazon gift vouchers for that very purpose. Not that I’m extolling the virtues of Amazon here, but it might help to give my books a lift in sales.
So what have I been up to on the book front? Well, yesterday I was in Chichester at 6.30 am helping to set up our Christmas Market stall. This was for the Chichester Independent Writers (CHINDI). We got off to a good start for day one, selling about forty books. We’ll be there for five days. If we could hit forty a day, that’s a lot of books. Pity we can’t have a permanent stall in the city.
Last week my wife and I did a kind of round-robin, travelling up to Norfolk and Lincolnshire: getting the visits in before we ran out of time. In the meantime I had ordered a few more books, including my ‘early years’ life story. That’ll be fun. I have also been keeping an eye on my Facebook advertising campaign. It’s interesting to see how the click rate varies between ads (I had two). I’m down to one ad now: that’s the Kindle Scout campaign. If you want to nominate my entry, please click the link https://kindlescout.amazon.com/p/1TW0QYIN2N95B
I’m in a ‘flat’ period as far as my writing goes, mainly because I’m waiting for the KS campaign to run its course. After December 13th. I’ll know. I plan to launch the title in January, and in the meantime I’m figuring out a new jacket and practising my Photoshop skills. There will be no more blog entries now until January unless something totally unexpected turns up, but meanwhile I wish all my readers a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.